Mutual funds act like any other security within a folio.
Adding Mutual Funds to a Folio
Adding a mutual fund to your folio is the same as adding a stock. A fund is considered one security and you can own up to the maximum of 100 securities per folio.
Just remember, if you create a folio that includes mutual funds, you’re subject to the rules and costs that apply to those funds. For example, if your folio includes funds with minimum investment amounts, those minimums must be met for each mutual fund when you use them in your folio.
Mutual Funds, Investment Minimums, Prospectuses
We frequently add new funds to our list. If you want to invest in a mutual fund that is currently not available, contact us and we will work to make it available.
Mutual Fund Timing and Settlement
Timing of Mutual Fund Orders
When you place a window trade for a folio that contains a mutual fund as one of its holdings , you cannot trade any of the other securities in that folio again until the mutual fund transaction is complete—typically in the early evening. For that reason, if you wish to trade securities in a folio that contains mutual fund holdings in both the morning and afternoon trading windows, you can only place your mutual fund orders for that folio in the afternoon window. If you place them in the morning window you will not have access to trade any securities in that folio until the next day.
Settlement of Mutual Fund Orders
Most mutual funds have a different settlement date than stocks. The settlement date is the date on which your trading transaction is finalized.
- For stocks, the settlement date is three business days after you buy or sell the stock.
- For most mutual funds, the settlement date is one business day after you buy or sell the fund.